Daily Announcements
Friday, February 7, 2025
Good luck to the girls wrestling team and coaches today and tomorrow at districts in Pierce.
Today is the last day to sign up and submit entries for the talent show. No late entries will be accepted. Without enough entries, there will be no talent show.
Today is the last day to preorder Valentine cookies from an FCCLA member. There will be a few extra for purchase at the end of next week.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Classes – Enroll Now! Metro Community College in Fremont is offering FREE CNA classes this spring! Spots fill quickly, so don’t wait—apply online today. Nebraska high school students qualify for free tuition. Apply now: MCC CNA Program Questions? Email: njzolck@mccneb.edu
Dress up days for FCCLA week begin Monday with PJ Day; Tuesday - Future Career Day; Wednesday- Dress as a teacher day; Thursday - Duo/Trio day; Friday FCCLA gear or red and black
EVENTS: District Girls WR @ Pierce, 4 p.m.; JV/V G&B BB host Louisville @ LV, 4:30 p.m. (Boys Parent’s Night); Trojan Time Mentoring
Saturday: District Girls WR @ Pierce, 10 a.m.; JV/V G&B BB @ Syracuse, 2 p.m.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu:
Friday Lunch: Quesadilla, lettuce, chips & salsa, pineapple
Monday Breakfast: Biscuits & Gravy
Monday Lunch: BBQ rib sandwich, corn, chips, peaches
Tuesday Breakfast: French Toast
Tuesday Lunch: Tater tot casserole, green beans, dinner roll, apricots
Wednesday Breakfast: Over Night Oats
Wednesday Lunch: Walking Taco, lettuce, refried beans, pineapple
CAFETERIA MENU –All meals are served with milk
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Congratulations to the quiz bowl team on defeating Plainview this morning in the 2nd round of the KTCH Radio Quiz Bowl Challenge. They will compete again on Feb. 12th in the quarterfinals at 9:30 a.m.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Classes – Enroll Now! Metro Community College in Fremont is offering FREE CNA classes this spring! Spots fill quickly, so don’t wait—apply online today. Nebraska high school students qualify for free tuition. Apply now: MCC CNA Program Questions? Email: njzolck@mccneb.edu
Dress up days for FCCLA week next week: Monday - PJ Day; Tuesday - Future Career Day; Wednesday- Dress as a teacher day; Thursday - Duo/Trio day; Friday FCCLA gear or red and black
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Trojan Treats is pleased to announce that they will be doing a special Valentine's Day, preorder sale on select items. Order forms are located on the board outside of the office. Return the order form and payment to Mrs. Ryun, Marah, Kloey, Aydia, or Paige R by this Friday. Your items will then be delivered to you on Valentine's Day.
The following students will need to report to the Office Second period tomorrow to compete in the KTCH quiz bowl. Gillian, Marah, Kloey, Adam, Aydia, Paige.
Dress up days for FCCLA week next week: Monday - PJ Day; Tuesday - Future Career Day; Wednesday- Dress as a teacher day; Thursday - Duo/Trio day; Friday FCCLA gear or red and black
Anyone wanting to be in the talent show should sign up on the bulletin board outside of Ms. Drey's room and take a form to fill out for their entry.
FCCLA members please continue to turn in cookie orders as you get them. We need to know soon so we can make more if we need to.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Trojan Treats is pleased to announce that they will be doing a special Valentine's Day, preorder sale on select items. Order forms are located on the board outside of the office. Return the order form and payment to Mrs. Ryun, Marah, Kloey, Aydia, or Paige R by this Friday. Your items will then be delivered to you on Valentine's Day.
The following students will need to report to the Office Second period on Thursday to compete in the KTCH quiz bowl. Gillian, Marah, Kloey, Adam, Aydia, Paige.
The following students will need to be dismissed at 2:00 pm for the robotics demonstration- Landon, Garrett, Logan, Jonathan, Adam, and Shawn.
Dress up days for FCCLA week next week: Monday - PJ Day; Tuesday - Future Career Day; Wednesday- Dress as a teacher day; Thursday - Duo/Trio day; Friday FCCLA gear or red and black
Anyone wanting to be in the talent show should sign up on the bulletin board outside of Ms. Drey's room and take a form to fill out for their entry.
FCCLA members continue to sell their FCCLA cookies $2. They will be delivered on Valentine’s Day.
There will be a FFA Meeting tomorrow morning, during Trojan Time, in Mrs. Kafonek's room.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Congratulations to the following Speech Team members who competed at last Saturday's Logan View Speech Invite. Here are their awesome results! Gillian Hunke = Varsity Poetry Performance Champion; Rachel Purvis = Novice Persuasive Speaking Champion; Aydia Ryun = Novice Serious Prose Champion; Kloey Wheelock = Novice Humorous Prose Champion; Zoey Gathman = Varsity Persuasive Speaking 3rd Place Medalist; Hector Garcia = Novice Serious Prose 3rd Place Finalist; Eli Enos = Varsity Informative Speaking 7th Place Finalist
Speech Team Members who have signed up to help with the concession stand this evening at the JH BB game are: Rachel, Eli & Zoey at 4PM. Mrs. Enos could use some additional help for the second shift. Please consider signing up in her room if you haven't already. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Trojan Treats is pleased to announce that they will be doing a special Valentine's Day, preorder sale on select items. Order forms are located on the board outside of the office. Return the order form and payment to Mrs. Ryun, Marah, Kloey, Aydia, or Paige R by this Friday. Your items will then be delivered to you on Valentine's Day.
FCCLA members continue to sell their FCCLA cookies $2. They will be delivered on Valentine’s Day.
There will be a FFA Meeting Wednesday morning, during Trojan Time, in Mrs. Kafonek's room.
Friday, January 31, 2025
FCCLA continues to sell their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
Congrats to the Rocket League and Valorant teams on their first wins of the spring season.
Congratulations to the following FCCLA members who earned the opportunity to compete at state STAR competition in April. Eli in Career Investigation level 3; Emily and Nattlie in Chapter in Review; Calleigh in Repurpose and Redesign; Jillian C in Professional Presentation; Eva in Hospitality and Tourism
The talent show during FCCLA week is coming up soon! Brush off your talents, get your duo or group together, and get signed up for the event! It will be held 8th period on Valentine's Day!
Robotics team members you will need to be at school and ready to leave at 6:45 a.m. on Saturday. Wear your shirts.
Speech Team Members: We will be loading the Speech Van this Saturday in the high school parking lot at 6:30 AM and departing at 6:45 AM for the Logan View Speech Meet. Please come professionally dressed. Good luck!
Thursday, January 30, 2025
FCCLA continues to sell their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
Congratulations to the following FCCLA members who earned the opportunity to compete at state STAR competition in April. Eli in Career Investigation level 3; Emily and Nattlie in Chapter in Review; Calleigh in Repurpose and Redesign; Jillian C in Professional Presentation; Eva in Hospitality and Tourism
There will be an FCCLA week committee meeting tomorrow morning during TT.
The talent show during FCCLA week is coming up soon! Brush off your talents, get your duo or group together, and get signed up for the event! It will be held 8th period on Valentine's Day!
Robotics team members you will need to be at school and ready to leave at 6:45 a.m. on Saturday. Wear your shirts.
Speech Team Members: We will be loading the Speech Van this Saturday in the high school parking lot at 6:30 AM and departing at 6:45 AM for the Logan View Speech Meet. Please come professionally dressed. Good luck!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Good Luck to Eli, Nattlie, Emily, Calleigh, Jillian C., and Eva who are competing at FCCLA district STAR tomorrow at WSC.
Speech Team Students: Please sign up in Mrs. Enos's room to work a concession stand shift for next Monday, Feb. 3rd. Your help is greatly appreciated!
FCCLA continues to sell their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
Monday, January 27, 2025
Congratulations to the following Speech Team members who medaled at last Saturday's North Bend Central Invitational! Gillian Hunke: 2nd Place Medalist - Varsity Poetry Performance; Zoey Gathman: 2nd Place Medalist - Varsity Persuasive Speaking; Eli Enos: 5th Place Medalist - Varsity Informative Speaking; Kloey Wheelock: 3rd Place Medalist - Novice Humorous Prose; Aydia Ryun: 4th Place Medalist - Novice Serious Prose; Rachel Purvis: 6th Place Medalist - Novice Persuasive Speaking. Great Job!
The winning grade of the JAG Collection for school supply items was the kindergarten with 21 items. Thank you to all who supported the collection!
If there are any students ages 9-14 who are interested in a free indoor soccer camp at West Point-Beemer’s gymnasium, sponsored by Franciscan Healthcare on March 22nd, please check out the flyer on the bulletin board outside of the office.
JH Girls/Boys wrestlers will need to be dismissed today at 2:15 p.m.
Speech Team Students: Please sign up in Mrs. Enos's room to work a concession stand shift for next Monday, Feb. 3rd. Your help is greatly appreciated!
There will be a full cast and crew read through tonight at 6:30 pm in the band room. Small group practice schedule will be handed out that night.
FCCLA continues to sell their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
Friday, January 24, 2025
There will be a full cast and crew read through Monday, January 27 at 6:30 pm in the band room. Small group practice schedule will be handed out that night.
FCCLA continues to sell their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
Little Explorers Daycare, located here at the school, is looking for high school students that would be interested in working after school and during the summer. After school shifts would run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact director, Angie Lange at alange@sstrojans.org
Thursday, January 23, 2025
There will be a full cast and crew read through next Monday, January 27 at 6:30pm in the band room. Small group practice schedule will be handed out that night.
Speech Team Students: Please come professionally dressed and arrive on Saturday by 7:30 AM to load the school van in the high school parking lot. We will depart no later than 7:45 AM to our competition in North Bend. Good Luck!
FCCLA will be selling their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
A collection drive collecting items to benefit our elementary students and teachers. Items accepted include: crayons, markers, tissues, erasers, pencils, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer. Senior JAG members will collect these items until Jan. 24th.
Little Explorers Daycare, located here at the school, is looking for high school students that would be interested in working after school and during the summer. After school shifts would run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact director, Angie Lange at alange@sstrojans.org
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Students: You are reminded to make sure you always have your door card with you. A door card check will take place by the end of the week.
There will be a full cast and crew read through next Monday, January 27 at 6:30pm in the band room. Small group practice schedule will be handed out that night.
7th-12th grade JAG officers have a meeting Thursday in Mrs. Kafonek's room to come up with some community service ideas. 6th-12th grade JAG members will meet in Mrs. Kafonek's room on Friday to vote on a community service project.
FCCLA will be selling their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
A collection drive collecting items to benefit our elementary students and teachers is currently taking place. Items accepted include: crayons, markers, tissues, erasers, pencils, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer. Senior JAG members will collect these items until Jan. 24th.
Little Explorers Daycare, located here at the school, is looking for high school students that would be interested in working after school and during the summer. After school shifts would run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact director, Angie Lange at alange@sstrojans.org
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
7th-12th grade JAG officers have a meeting Thursday in Mrs. Kafonek's room to come up with some community service ideas. 6th-12th grade JAG members will meet in Mrs. Kafonek's room on Friday to vote on a community service project.
FFA members attending livestock judging tomorrow: Meet at the school at 7:05 am. Make sure to bring a writing utensil and notebook. Attire includes jeans, a nice or FFA shirt, and appropriate shoes. Check the Band Ap for more details.
FCCLA will be selling their Valentine's Day cookies for $2. They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Members will bake cookies on Feb. 2nd
A collection drive collecting items to benefit our elementary students and teachers began today. Items accepted include: crayons, markers, tissues, erasers, pencils, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer. Senior JAG members will collect these items until Jan. 24th.
Little Explorers Daycare, located here at the school, is looking for high school students that would be interested in working after school and during the summer. After school shifts would run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact director, Angie Lange at alange@sstrojans.org
Monday, January 20, 2025
Congratulations to the following Speech Team students who placed at last Saturday's Speech Meet: Eli Enos: 6th Place in Informative Speaking, Gillian Hunke: 5th Place in Poetry Performance, and Zoey Gathman: 2nd Place in Persuasive Speaking. Great Job!
FCCLA will be selling their Valentine's Day cookies starting today. Cookies are $2 and will be delivered on Valentine's Day.
FCCLA members make sure to pick up your order forms after lunch today. There will be extras available if you need more. Make sure to turn the orders in as you get them.
FCCLA will be baking cookies on Feb 2 from 11-5.
A collection drive collecting items to benefit our elementary students and teachers began today. Items accepted include: crayons, markers, tissues, erasers, pencils, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer. Senior JAG members will collect these items until Jan. 24th.
Juniors: We will have a meeting tomorrow morning in Ms. Rangeloff’s room at 7:35 a.m. All items that will need to be ordered must be given to her at the meeting.
Little Explorers Daycare, located here at the school, is looking for high school students that would be interested in working after school and during the summer. After school shifts would run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact director, Angie Lange at alange@sstrojans.org
Friday, January 17, 2025
A collection drive collecting items to benefit our elementary students and teachers will begin Monday. Items accepted include: crayons, markers, tissues, erasers, pencils, sanitizing wipes, pencils and hand sanitizer. Senior JAG members will collect these items until Jan. 24th.
Juniors: We will have a meeting Tuesday morning in Ms. Rangeloff’s room at 7:35 a.m. All items that will need to be ordered must be given to her Tuesday morning.
Speech Team students: We will be loading the van at 6:30 AM in the high school parking lot for tomorrows competition @ Wisner-Pilger, leaving at 6:45 AM sharp. Please come professionally dressed when you arrive. Good luck at your first meet!
Little Explorers Daycare, located here at the school, is looking for high school students that would be interested in working after school and during the summer. After school shifts would run from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Contact director, Angie Lange at alange@sstrojans.org
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Juniors: We will have a meeting Tuesday morning in Ms. Rangeloff’s room at 7:35 a.m. All items that will need to be ordered must be given to her Tuesday morning.
Robotics members make sure to have your shirt back to Mrs. Schafer by the end of the week.
Speech Team students: We will be loading the van at 6:30 AM in the high school parking lot for Saturday's Wisner-Pilger speech competition and leaving at 6:45 AM sharp. Please come professionally dressed when you arrive. Good luck at your first meet!
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
REMINDERS: Robotics members make sure to have your shirt back to Mrs. Schafer by the end of the week.
FCCLA members will have a meeting tomorrow morning during TT.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Robotics members make sure to have your shirt back to Mrs. Schafer by the end of the week.
FCCLA members will have a meeting Thursday morning during TT.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Those junior and senior JAG students who are touring Builder Trend tomorrow are reminded that they need to turn their yellow sheets in by the end of the day or you will NOT be attending tomorrow.
FCCLA members will have a meeting Thursday morning during TT.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Those junior and senior JAG students who are touring Builder Trend next Tuesday are reminded that they need to turn their yellow sheets in by the end of the day Monday to be able to go.
FCCLA members: Mark your calendar for a meeting Thursday during Trojan Time.
Robotics team you have a match on Saturday that you are required to attend. Plan on being at school by 6:45 a.m.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Esports members please sign up for a January 13 concession stand shift.
FCCLA members: Mark your calendar for a meeting next Thursday during Trojan Time.
Robotics team you have a match on Saturday that you are required to attend. Plan on being at school by 6:45 a.m.
For those students who are interested in playing summer baseball through the American Legion, there is a sign-up/registration meeting scheduled for Feb. 9th at the Legion Hall in Hooper at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
FFA Members attending Livestock Judging: There will be a meeting Thursday during Trojan Time in Mrs. Kafonek's room to go over reasons.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no Quiz Bowl practice tomorrow.
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting tomorrow morning at 7:35 in Ms. Rangeloff’s room. Be ready to discuss items that will need to be ordered.
Esports members please sign up for a January 13 concession stand shift.
Robotics team you have a match on Saturday that you are required to attend. Plan on being at school by 7:00 am.
For those students who are interested in playing summer baseball through the American Legion, there is a sign-up/registration meeting scheduled for Feb. 9th at the Legion Hall in Hooper at 2 p.m.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Welcome back. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Drop & Add forms are located on the counter. You will have until Thursday to drop a class.
Any Junior High Girl that is planning on playing basketball needs to stop in and see Coach Cash before NOON today as practices begin today.
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting Thursday morning at 7:35 in Ms. Rangeloff’s room. Be ready to discuss items that will need to be ordered.
Esports members please sign up for a January 13 concession stand shift.
Quiz Bowl members our first practice of the semester is Thursday at 7:45am.
Robotics team you have a match on Saturday that you are required to attend. Plan on being at school by 7:00 am.
For those students who are interested in playing summer baseball through the American Legion, there is a sign-up/registration meeting scheduled for Feb. 9th at the Legion Hall in Hooper at 2 p.m.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Speech Team Members: Before you head out for the weekend, stop by Mrs. Enos's room and sign up for practice time slots for before, during, or after break opportunities. Time slots fill up quickly. Our first two competitions are January 18th and the 25th. Reserve your appointments for an awesome season. Mrs. Drey and Mrs. Enos are here to help!
Movie options for this afternoon: Mrs. Enos room - White Christmas; Mr. Ruzicka's room - I'll Be Home for Christmas; Mrs. Schafer's room - Polar Express; Ms. Drey's room - Noelle; Mr. Kowalski's room - Red One.
Treat yourself this holiday season to a 2024-2025 SSCS Yearbook purchase! A second pink-colored order form was passed out during Tuesday's Trojan Time. See Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey with any questions.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
All library materials will need to be turned into the Mrs. Alsmeyer today by 3:30 p.m. If materials are not returned, you will not be able to watch the movie.
Trojan Treats will be open from 3-4 in the Ag Room the rest of the week. Stop in to get your freeze-dried candy!
Friday is the final dress up day and it is ‘The night Before Christmas-Pajama Day’.
Speech Team Members: Before you head out for the weekend, stop by Mrs. Enos's room and sign up for practice time slots for before, during, or after break opportunities. Time slots fill up quickly. Our first two competitions are January 18th and the 25th. Reserve your appointments for an awesome season. Mrs. Drey and Mrs. Enos are here to help!
Treat yourself this holiday season to a 2024-2025 SSCS Yearbook purchase! A second pink-colored order form was passed out during Tuesday's Trojan Time. See Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey with any questions.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
All library materials will need to be turned into the Mrs. Alsmeyer by tomorrow by 3:30 p.m. If materials are not returned, you will not be able to watch the movie.
Trojan Treats will be open from 3-4 in the Ag Room the rest of the week. Stop in to get your freeze-dried candy!
Tomorrow and Friday are the final dress up days: Tomorrow is Over the River and Through the Woods-Camo Day and Friday is The night Before Christmas-Pajama Day.
Speech Team Members: Before you head out for the weekend, stop by Mrs. Enos's room and sign up for practice time slots for before, during, or after break opportunities. Time slots fill up quickly. Our first two competitions are January 17th and the 24th. Reserve your appointments for an awesome season. Mrs. Drey and Mrs. Enos are here to help!
Treat yourself this holiday season to a 2024-2025 SSCS Yearbook purchase! A second pink-colored order form was passed out during Tuesday's Trojan Time. See Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey with any questions.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
STAR work night is tonight from 3:30-6 p.m.
On Friday, we will be running a 1:30 p.m. bell schedule so that the last part of the day can be for the movie reward. Students: If you are failing a class or have bad behavior this week, you will NOT be attending the movie and will report to the media center with Mrs. Nemecek.
Monday, December 16, 2024
STAR work night is tonight from 3:30-5:15 and Tuesday from 3:30-6 p.m.
FFA Reminders: Secret Santa starts today and runs through Friday. Also, all fruit, meat, cheese, puffins, coffee, etc. need delivered within the next two days. Let Mrs. Ryun know ASAP if you are missing any items.
Juniors you are reminded to all report to the commons area right after school today to put trays together and get them ready on the tables for our fundraiser tonight at 6 p.m.
On Friday, we will be running a 1:30 p.m. bell schedule so that the last part of the day can be for the movie reward. Students: If you are failing a class or have bad behavior this week, you will NOT be attending the movie and will report to the media center with Mrs. Nemecek.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Congratulations for meeting the Food Drive goal. We will be donating just over 400 items to the Faith Food Pantry! Thank you to everyone who brought in items.
STAR working is Monday from 3:30-5:15 and Tuesday from 3:30-6 p.m.
FFA Reminders: We will be delivering the food drive items today right after school. Meet in the Ag Room if you are able to help. Distribution will be tomorrow, meet at the school at 7 am.
Trojan Treats will be selling their freeze-dried candy at The Nook here in Scribner tomorrow from 10-2. Stop by if you'd like to purchase some. They will also be selling after school sometime next week here at the school.
Reminder for those interested in participating in LVSS Youth Softball next summer. There is a registration form available on the bulletin board outside the office. Please scan the QR code to register. These are due Sunday, Dec. 15th.
Any 9-12 grade student wanting to compete on the Speech Team starting this January, please stop into Mrs. Enos's room and sign up for available practice times before, during, and/or after winter break. Ms. Drey and Mrs. Enos are here to help you prepare!
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days: Today is Fleece Navidad-Wear fleece!
Thursday, December 12, 2024
FFA Reminders: You have concessions tonight for the girls wrestling triangular, food delivery is tomorrow after school, and food distribution Saturday morning. Sign up in the ag room!
There will be no eSports tonight after school.
The Girls' Wrestling team will need to be dismissed at 2:30 p.m. and report to the gym to begin setting up the mat for tonight's Triangular. Tonight is parent’s night as well. The triangular begins at 5 p.m.
Any 9-12 grade student wanting to compete on the Speech Team starting this January, please stop into Mrs. Enos's room and sign up for available practice times before, during, and/or after winter break. Ms. Drey and Mrs. Enos are here to help you prepare!
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days: Today is Run Run Rudolph—Wear athletic attire and Friday is Fleece Navidad-Wear fleece!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Food Drive Update: We are at 211 (over halfway!) out of the 400 item goal. Synek/Ness homeroom is currently in the lead. Tomorrow is the final day!
FFA Reminder: Holiday Party is tonight from 6:30-8:30. Bring food to share, games to play, and a white elephant gift to exchange.
FFA has concessions on Thursday, food delivery on Friday after school, and food distribution Saturday morning. Sign up in the ag room!
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days: Today Tinsel Toes-Wear your favorite holiday socks, Tomorrow Pining for Plaid-Wear your finest plaid; Thursday is Run Run Rudolph—Wear athletic attire and Friday is Fleece Navidad-Wear fleece!
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Congratulations to the following Scribner-Snyder students who auditioned and were selected to the EHC Honor Band Feb. 10th at Wayne State College: Wind Ensemble-Zoey Gathman (Top overall flute), Kloey Wheelock-Trumpet; Symphonic Band-Aydia Ryun-Clarinet, Nattlie Hull-Bass Clarinet, Marah Fischer-Alto Saxophone and Rachul Purvis-Trumpet. Great job girls!!
Congratulations to the SSCS One-Act at today's NSAA District D2-1 competition. The Tech. Crew: Eli, Kyrian, Hector, Paige, Alexis, Savanna, Brooklyn, Eva, and Melody won 1st place overall! ! Our 6 cast members: Emily, Nattlie, Gillian, Aydia, Marah, and Kloey each received an individual outstanding actor recognition award! The group placed 3rd overall out of 8 schools in their division, with one of the three judges on the panel ranking them 1st place! Awesome Job!
One-Act Cast & Crew: Our final celebration performance will be Monday for our Scribner-Snyder communities. Please read the information attached to your locker and emailed to you. Let Mrs. Enos know if you have any questions or concerns.
There will be an eSports meeting after school today in Mrs. Schafer's room. Any student Grades 7 - 12 interested in playing Valorant, Fortnite, or Rocket League should plan on attending. New members will have to have a parent and participant contract signed.
On Monday, there will be a meeting in the band room for anyone interested in participating in this year’s Musical. Please check in with you homeroom teacher and then report to the band room.
FCCLA members not in One-Act need to bring a dessert Monday to serve at the One-Act Meal Monday night. Also, if you do not have an after-school obligation on Monday, your help is needed starting at 4:00 to prepare the meal. We will begin serving at 6:30 and will be done with cleanup around 7:45. Plan to help with both the dessert and preparing and serving the meal.
FCCLA Secret Santa runs through Tuesday with the reveal at the holiday party after school on Tuesday from 4-6.
Juniors: You will have a mandatory class meeting tomorrow morning at 7:40 in Ms. Rangeloff’s room. Don’t be late and be ready to discuss cookie tray sales and prom corner decorations. Make sure you discuss your corner ideas with your committee before the meeting.
FFA Reminders: We have concessions tonight! Sign up by the Ag Room. Secret Santa forms need to be turned in to Mrs. Ryun by 1:00 tomorrow. Puffins and butter braids will be arriving on Monday - make sure you have arrangements to pick them up.
If anyone would like to live stream the wrestling meet tonight, please come to the office.
FFA is sponsoring a Food Drive until Dec. 11th with a goal of 400 items for middle/high school students in order to earn a movie afternoon on Friday, December 20th. In addition, the homeroom that brings the most items will receive a prize.
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days started today with Candy Cane Day-Dress bright in your red & white and tomorrow the 6th will be Reindeer Games: Dress like a reindeer. A complete listing is posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. Please take a picture of it so you have it for all future dress up days.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
One-Act Cast and Crew: Wednesday is our District Competition! Please check in with Mrs. Enos by 8 AM Wednesday morning in the Commons. Crew should arrive wearing their One-Act t-shirt and darker colored pants and shoes. Cast, also bring your One-Act shirts to change into later. A more specific schedule has been taped to your locker and also emailed to you. Please look over this information and talk to Mrs. Enos with any questions prior to the end of the day on Tuesday. Break a Leg!
There will be an eSports meeting after school on Thursday in Mrs. Schafer's room. Any student Grades 7 - 12 interested in playing Valorant, Fortnite, or Rocket League should plan on attending. New members will have to have a parent and participant contract signed.
Juniors: You will have a mandatory class meeting Friday morning at 7:40 in Ms. Rangeloff’s room. Don’t be late and be ready to discuss cookie tray sales and prom corner decorations. Make sure you discuss your corner ideas with your committee before the meeting.
FFA Reminders: We have concessions this Thursday! Sign up by the Ag Room. Secret Santa forms need to be turned in to Mrs. Ryun by 1:00 on Friday. Puffins and butter braids will be arriving on Monday - make sure you have arrangements to pick them up.
FCCLA STAR worknight tonight right after school until 5:15.
Tonight’s basketball game will only be a boys game. Jr. class members who signed up for the concession stand should report at 5:30 p.m. 2nd shift workers can come at 5:30 as well since the games will be over by 7:15. Those workers include: April, Garrett, Logan, Kyrian, Caden, Donika and Jonathan.
If anyone would like to live stream the game tonight or the wrestling meet on Thursday, please come to the office.
FFA is sponsoring a Food Drive until Dec. 11th with a goal of 400 items for middle/high school students in order to earn a movie afternoon on Friday, December 20th. In addition, the homeroom that brings the most items will receive a prize.
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days will start Dec. 5th. The 1st dress up day will be Candy Cane Day-Dress bright in your red & white! and Friday the 6th will be Reindeer Games: Dress like a reindeer. A complete listing is posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. Please take a picture of it so you have it for all future dress up days.
Reminder: District One-Act is Wednesday. There will be NO SCHOOL!
Monday, December 2, 2024
One-Act Cast and Crew: Wednesday is our District Competition! Please check in with Mrs. Enos by 8 AM Wednesday morning in the Commons. Crew should arrive wearing their One-Act t-shirt and darker colored pants and shoes. Cast, also bring your One-Act shirts to change into later. A more specific schedule has been taped to your locker and also emailed to you. Please look over this information and talk to Mrs. Enos with any questions prior to the end of the day on Tuesday. Break a Leg!
FCCLA secret Santa starts tomorrow, skips Wednesday, and resumes Thursday.
FCCLA STAR worknight tomorrow night right after school until 5:15.
There will be a FFA Meeting tomorrow during Trojan Time in the Media Center. We will be discussing fruit sales delivery, holiday party, and food drive.
FFA is sponsoring a Food Drive until Dec. 11th with a goal of 400 items for middle/high school students in order to earn a movie afternoon on Friday, December 20th. In addition, the homeroom that brings the most items will receive a prize.
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days will start Dec. 5th. The 1st dress up day will be Candy Cane Day-Dress bright in your red & white! and Friday the 6th will be Reindeer Games: Dress like a reindeer. A complete listing is posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. Please take a picture of it so you have it for all future dress up days.
Reminder: District One-Act is Wednesday. There will be NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Mickell, Trent, Braydon, and Tate are reminded that you are scheduled for concessions tonight starting at 3:45.
If anyone is interested in live streaming the JH BBB games today at 4 p.m. please see Shelly in the office.
The following students need to come to the office to pick up your families’ school newsletter: Hadley, Tate, Rachel, Paige R., Nadia and Calleigh.
One-Act Cast and Co-Student Directors need to be dismissed for lunch @ 11:40 today. After eating, begin getting ready in the Girls' Locker Room. The rest of the crew need to be dismissed at 12:25 PM and head to the stage. All Cast & Crew will need to be onstage at 12:30 PM.
Attention summer softball players: There will be a parent registration meeting Dec. 11th at Logan View at 6 p.m. for any students ages 7-18 who is interested in playing summer softball. There is a flyer with a QR code on the office bulletin board for registration purposes and more details.
FFA will be sponsoring a Food Drive again this year. The middle/high school goal is 400 items in order to earn a movie afternoon on Friday, December 20th. In addition, the homeroom that brings the most items will receive a prize. See posters in the hall for a list of approved items to donate. The final day to donate will be Wednesday, December 11th.
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days will start Dec. 5th. The 1st dress up day will be Candy Cane Day-Dress bright in your red & white! and Friday the 6th will be Reindeer Games: Dress like a reindeer. A complete listing is posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. Please take a picture of it so you have it for all future dress up days.
EVENTS: JH BBB host O-C @ SS, 4 p.m.-Workers: Megan, Jenn, Kerin, eSports-concessions; 1:30 p.m. dismissal-Teacher In-Service; One-Act Assembly, 12:45 p.m.; Alpha Testing (Wrestlers-10-11 am); Gym reserved after JH BBB game for youth BB practice, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: NO SCHOOL-Thanksgiving Break begins
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday: Go Huskers!!!!—Booster Club members watch the SSCS Facebook page for Husker Board quarter winners
Saturday: City of Scribner-Small Town Christmas-Pre-Parade events, 5 p.m./Parade begins at 6 p.m.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu:
Tuesday Lunch: Quesadilla, chips & salsa, corn, peaches
Wednesday-Thursday-Friday—NO SCHOOL-Thanksgiving Break
Monday, Breakfast: Apple Frudel
Monday Lunch: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes w/gravy, peas, pears
Tuesday Breakfast: Pancake on a stick
Tuesday Lunch: Taco, refried beans chips & salsa, pineapple
Wednesday: NO SCHOOL-District One-Act
CAFETERIA MENU –All meals are served with milk
Monday, November 25, 2024
Congratulations to the League of Legends team on their championship performance on Friday. Great job shout casting Colton B!
Mickell, Trent, Braydon, and Tate are reminded that you are scheduled for concessions tomorrow night starting at 3:45.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Break a Leg at Tuesday's All-School Assembly performance. Cast and Co-Student Directors need to be dismissed for lunch 5 minutes early. After eating, begin getting ready in the Girls' Locker Room. The rest of the crew need to dismiss themselves from Period 7 at 12:25 PM and head to the stage. All Cast & Crew will need to be onstage for Vocal Warm-Ups at 12:30 PM.
Attention summer softball players: There will be a parent registration meeting Dec. 11th at Logan View at 6 p.m. for any students ages 7-18 who is interested in playing summer softball. There is a flyer with a QR code on the office bulletin board for registration purposes and more details.
FFA will be sponsoring a Food Drive again this year. Collection will start Monday in your homeroom. The middle/high school goal is 400 items in order to earn a movie afternoon on Friday, December 20th. In addition, the homeroom that brings the most items will receive a prize. See posters in the hall for a list of approved items to donate. The final day to donate will be Wednesday, December 11th.
FCCLA members wanting to participate in Secret Santa, your forms are due today. No late submissions. Leave them in Ms. Drey's room or bring them to the gym.
STAR project worknight until 6 tonight.
Reminder to get your BINGO cards turned in if you complete them—Deadline to complete and get turned in is tomorrow.
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days will start Dec. 5th. More details to come next week.
"JAG students who have signed up to bring 12 packaged cookies or bags of chips for the JAG Celebration Ceremony today need to be sure to have their items to school by 3:30 p.m.. Thank you for signing up to help make our Disco celebration a success! Officers, please report by 4:45 p.m. to start greeting our guests. The event will begin at 5 p.m.
Friday, November 22, 2024
FFA will be sponsoring a Food Drive again this year. Collection will start Monday in your homeroom. The middle/high school goal is 400 items in order to earn a movie afternoon on Friday, December 20th. In addition, the homeroom that brings the most items will receive a prize. See posters in the hall for a list of approved items to donate. The final day to donate will be Wednesday, December 11th.
Reminder to get your BINGO cards turned in if you complete them—the date has been extended until next Tuesday to get them completed.
FCCLA members there are still 2 time slots to sign up to work at the Tannenbaum festival tomorrow. Please see the sign-up sheet.
FCCLA members: Secret Santa sheets are due back on Monday if you plan to participate this year. You will find out who you have on Tuesday. NO late submissions will be taken because of the quick turn-around.
The 12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days will start Dec. 5th. More details to come next week.
"JAG students who have signed up to bring 12 packaged cookies or bags of chips for the JAG Celebration Ceremony on Monday need to be sure to bring their items to school on Monday. Thank you for signing up to help make our Disco celebration a success!
Reminder JAG students, next Monday is our Disco, officer instillation, and awards ceremony. Officers please be there by 4:45 to start greeting guests, and everyone else who has rsvp'd let's eat pizza and celebrate from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.!
Juniors are reminded to make sure your cookies are here today by 3 p.m. so the trays can be assembled right after school in the media center. Also: Please make sure you are on time for your work shifts tomorrow at the auditorium.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
If there is someone willing to live-stream the JH Boys BB games today at 4 p.m., please come to the office. You should be done by 6.
The following One-Act Students are scheduled to work the concession stand tonight for the BB game. 1st shift @ 4 PM : Eli, Alexis, & Paige; 2nd Shift @ 5:30 PM: Jillian C., Eli, and Hector
FCCLA members, there are time slots 2nd, 4th, and 6th periods on Monday when help is needed at the blood drive. Please sign up for a time. We need at least one helper per slot.
FCCLA members there are still two shifts available to help at the booth at Tannenbaum on Saturday. We are going to Mohr right after school today to decorate the tree.
FCCLA members wanting to help at the blood drive during the school day on Monday need to sign up today or tomorrow outside of Ms. Drey's room.
Congratulations to those FFA Members who competed at District Leadership Contest yesterday.
Receiving a Red Ribbon: Paige; Receiving Blue Ribbons: Dakota, Marah, Nattlie, and Emily; Receiving Purple Ribbons: Zoey (District Runner-Up and State Qualifier), Gillian, Kloey, Aydia, and the Opening Ceremonies team made up of the officers.
Any FFA member that can help haul and/or decorate the tree at Tannenbaum tomorrow right after school, please let Mrs. Ryun know.
We will be having a state send off for the League of Legend team tomorrow morning in the gym during Trojan Time. Dismiss everyone around 8:10 to give the band kids a few extra minutes to get their instruments. See you all there!
Monday, November 18, 2024
Reminder that JAG Celebration Ceremony RSVP's are due to Miss Ness by the end of the day. We need a list of who is coming so we can plan accordingly for food and drinks. If you do not turn in a form, there will not be pizza saved for you.
One-Act Cast and Crew: Monday/Tonight's Dress Rehearsal will begin in Mrs. Enos's Room with Food, Hair, Make-Up and Costumes. Anytime between 5:45-6:15 PM you can arrive to eat and get ready. All Cast and Crew need to be ready for vocal warmups at 6:30 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. Rehearsal in the gym will begin following tonight's BB game and run until 8 PM. It's show time!
One-Act Cast and Crew: Please arrive at 8 AM on Tuesday for our Conference Competition. Check-In with Mrs. Enos in the Commons! Break a Leg!
American Education Week Nov. 18-22nd Starting today, if you wish to participate, you can pick up a BINGO card in front of the office. The goal of this BINGO is to find a school staff member who meets the criteria of EACH box and have them sign that box. A staff member can ONLY be used once on your BINGO card. If you complete a blackout, turn it into the box by the BINGO cards and a committee member will get you a treat. Enjoy!
We will be having a state send off for the League of Legend team on Friday 22nd in the gym during Trojan Time. Dismiss everyone around 8:10 to give the band kids a few extra minutes to get their instruments. See you all there!
League of Legends you are reminded that there is practice Monday 3:30 - 5:30pm.
There will be quiz bowl practice on Wednesday and Friday morning in Mrs. Schafer's room from 7:45 - 8:20. Student check in with your home room teacher before attending practice to avoid any issues with lunch/attendance.
FCCLA members need to sign up for upcoming events - see the sign-up sheets. We need immediate helpers for concessions tomorrow.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Texas Roadhouse roll pickup will be out of the kitchen immediately after school until 4. If you absolutely can't pick up then, you need to let Ms. Drey know before the end of the day to make other arrangements.
Reminder that JAG Celebration Ceremony RSVP's are due to Miss Ness by the end of the school day on Monday, November 18th. We need a list of who is coming so we can plan accordingly for food and drinks. If you do not turn in a form, there will not be pizza saved for you.
American Education Week Nov. 18-22nd Starting Monday, if you wish to participate, you can pick up a BINGO card in front of the office. The goal of this BINGO is to find a school staff member who meets the criteria of EACH box and have them sign that box. A staff member can ONLY be used once on your BINGO card. If you complete a blackout, turn it into the box by the BINGO cards and a committee member will get you a treat. Enjoy!
JAG Officer meeting Monday morning during TT in Mrs. Kafonek’s room. There will be an additional meeting Thursday morning for all 6-12 JAG students also in Mrs. Kafonek’s room.
We will be having a state send off for the League of Legend team on Friday 22nd in the commons area during Trojan Time. Dismiss everyone around 8:10, give the band kids a few extra minutes to get their instruments. See you all there!
Robotics Members be here by 6:50 Saturday morning. We will be leaving promptly at 7:00 am for Creighton Prep. The estimated return time is 12:00 to 12:30ish.
League of Legends you are reminded that there is practice Monday 3:30 - 5:30pm.
One-Act Cast and Crew: Monday is your last dress rehearsals before Conference. Dinner, Hair-Make-Costumes start at 6 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. All Cast and Crew need to be in Mrs. Enos's Room and ready by 6:40 PM. THEN we will head over to the gym together and rehearse until 8 PM. Please come to Mrs. Enos's room first.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Conference is on Tuesday, November 19th with a report time of 8 AM. Make sure to wear or bring your One-Act shirt and/or One Act sweat band to show your team spirit for this fun day of competition.
One-Act Cast and Crew: Please sign up to help work the JHBB concession stand for Thursday, November 21st. The sign-up sheet is in Mrs. Enos's room.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
One-Act Cast and Crew: Tonight/Thursday and Monday are our two dress rehearsals before Conference. Dinner, Hair-Make-Costumes start at 6 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. All Cast and Crew need to be in Mrs. Enos's Room and ready by 6:40 PM. THEN we will head over to the gym together and rehearse until 8 PM. Please come to Mrs. Enos's room first.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Conference is on Tuesday, November 19th with a report time of 8 AM. Make sure to wear or bring your One-Act shirt and/or One Act sweat band to show your team spirit for this fun day of competition.
One-Act Cast and Crew: Please sign up to help work the JHBB concession stand for Thursday, November 21st. The sign-up sheet is in Mrs. Enos's room.
Juniors: Please remember that our cookie tray sales fundraiser is next Saturday. If you haven’t signed up to work, please do so. eSports kids will be excused from working. Also please remember that we will be putting the trays together next Friday after school. All hands on deck. It should only take 30 minutes to make the trays and prep them for delivery to Auditorium.
FCCLA members - please read your email and/or canvas message about upcoming events. There are several signup sheets for times that need filled for upcoming obligations.
Thank you to all who ordered Texas Roadhouse Rolls from FCCLA. They will be available for pickup tonight in front of the shop from about 6-6:45. If you are not able to pick your order up at that time, you can get them on Friday but they will need to be picked up by 4 pm.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
One-Act Cast and Crew: Full Make-up, Hair, and Costume Rehearsal tomorrow. Cast & Crew you can begin to get ready or assist with hair and make-up at 6 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. An optional dinner will also be provided from 6:00-6:30 PM. All Cast and Crew will need to be ready in full costume for vocal warm up's by 6:45 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. From 7-8 PM we will rehearse on stage. This is one of our two dress rehearsals prior to Conference competition. Attendance is mandatory unless you have an excused absence. See Mrs. Enos prior to Thursday if you have any questions/concerns.
There will be quiz bowl practice Thursday, 7:45 am to 8:20 am.
FCCLA members please sign up for shift to work concessions stands next Monday after school for the JH High game and to work on Tuesday during the One-Act performances.
Thank you to all who ordered Texas Roadhouse Rolls from FCCLA. They will be available for pickup tomorrow evening in front of the shop from about 6-6:45. If you are not able to pick your order up at that time, you can get them on Friday. Due to very limited freezer space, they will need to be picked up on Friday by 4.
League of Legends Varsity team pictures will be taken after school today.
FFA Reminders: Today is the final day to turn in fruit sales.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
One-Act Cast and Crew: Full Make-up, Hair, and Costume Rehearsal this Thursday. Cast & Crew you can begin to get ready or assist with hair and make-up at 6 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. An optional dinner will also be provided from 6:00-6:30 PM. All Cast and Crew will need to be ready in full costume for vocal warm up's by 6:45 PM in Mrs. Enos's Room. From 7-8 PM we will rehearse on stage. This is one of our two dress rehearsals prior to Conference competition. Attendance is mandatory unless you have an excused absence. See Mrs. Enos prior to Thursday if you have any questions/concerns about excused versus unexcused.
FCCLA members please sign up for shift to work concessions stands next Monday after school for the JH High game and to work on Tuesday during the One-Act performances.
Thank you to all who ordered Texas Roadhouse Rolls from FCCLA. They will be available for pickup Thursday evening in front of the shop from about 6-6:45. If you are not able to pick your order up at that time, you can get them on Friday. Due to very limited freezer space, they will need to be picked up on Friday by 4.
FCCLA members, please check Canvas and your email later today for important info regarding many upcoming events.
League of Legends Varsity team pictures will be taken after school on Wednesday. Make sure to have your jersey here.
FFA Reminders: Greenhand Night is tonight @ 6:30 in the Band Room. The final day to turn in fruit sales is tomorrow at 4 pm! Please be in the Music Room by 6:15 in official dress.
Friday, November 8, 2024
FCCLA officers have a meeting Monday after school.
Those participating in the Veterans Day program need to dress appropriately for the program on Monday. You will be practicing first period and probably miss part of second if not all of second period.
FFA Reminders: Greenhand Night is Tuesday @ 6:30 in the Band Room. Please plan to attend. Don't forget to turn in your fruit sales as you get them! Work nights this week are posted outside of the Ag Room.
Just a reminder that order forms and payment for Girls' Wrestling apparel are due to Mr. Ruzicka by Monday 11/11/24. Forms are located outside of the HS Office.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
One-Act Cast & Crew will need to be dismissed today at 11:55 AM and eat school lunch or sack lunch on stage as a group. We will load and depart on the bus at 12:30 PM and return at 3:15 PM for Part I of our field trip. Part II will be a 6 PM pizza dinner in Mrs. Enos's room and loading the schools’ vans at 6:45 PM sharp to head to Midland's theatrical production. Please wear your One-Act shirts on Thursday for Part I and avoid shorts and pajama pants when attending either portion of the field trip. See Mrs. Enos with any questions or concerns.
FFA Reminders: Greenhand Night is next Tuesday @ 6:30 in the Band Room. Please plan to attend. Don't forget to turn in your fruit sales as you get them! Work nights this week are posted outside of the Ag Room.
Just a reminder that order forms and payment for Girls' Wrestling apparel are due to Mr. Ruzicka by Monday 11/11/24. Forms are located outside of the HS Office.
CAFETERIA MENU –All meals are served with milk
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Congratulations to the eSports League of Legends team on qualifying for State Nov. 22. Today and tomorrow 3:30 - 5:30 there will be practice for only the League of Legends team members.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Please make sure to dismiss from your 5th Period class on Thursday at 11:55 AM and eat your school lunch or sack lunch on stage as a group from Noon to 12:20 PM. We will load and depart on the bus at 12:30 PM and return at 3:15 PM for Part I of our field trip. Part II will be a 6 PM pizza dinner in Mrs. Enos's room and loading the schools’ vans at 6:45 PM sharp to head to Midland's theatrical production. Please wear your One-Act shirts on Thursday for Part I and avoid shorts and pajama pants when attending either portion of the field trip. See Mrs. Enos with any questions or concerns.
FFA Reminders: Greenhand Night is next Tuesday @ 6:30 in the Band Room. Please plan to attend. Don't forget to turn in your fruit sales as you get them! Work nights this week are posted outside of the Ag Room.
Just a reminder that order forms and payment for Girls' Wrestling apparel are due to Mr. Ruzicka by Monday 11/11/24. Forms are located outside of the HS Office.
Anyone who would like to participate in the FCCLA Veterans Day banner is welcome to bring a photo of your family member who is a veteran or an active member of the military to Ms. Drey by Thursday. The photo can be an original which we will make a copy of or a copy to be included on the banner. Members should meet right after school Thursday to put the banner together.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
All students in Student Council and Honor Society please see Mrs. Schafer about the Veterans Day Program. We need to go over dress attire and serving expectations.
FFA Reminders: Greenhand Night is next Tuesday @ 6:30 in the Band Room. Please plan to attend. Don't forget to turn in your fruit sales as you get them! Work nights this week are posted outside of the Ag Room.
Just a reminder that order forms and payment for Girls' Wrestling apparel are due to Mr. Ruzicka by Monday 11/11/24. Forms are located outside of the HS Office.
There will be a meeting for any high school boy interested in wrestling this year in the media center tomorrow morning during Trojan Time.
One-Act Cast and Crew will have their rehearsal tonight from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on the stage. We will practice set up and tear down. Snacks and raffle prizes too! See you then!
eSports will have practice today at 3:30 pm. Overwatch 2 will face Bancroft Rosalie at 5 pm and
League of Legends will also face Bancroft Rosalie at 6 pm in the playoffs.
Anyone who would like to participate in the FCCLA Veterans Day banner is welcome to bring a photo of your family member who is a veteran or an active member of the military to Ms. Drey by Thursday. The photo can be an original which we will make a copy of or a copy to be included on the banner. Members should meet right after school Thursday to put the banner together.
There will be a Quiz Bowl Welcome Breakfast tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. in Mrs. Schafer’s room.
There will be FCCLA STAR worknights tonight after school until 5.
Monday, November 4, 2024
All students in Student Council and Honor Society please see Mrs. Schafer about the Veterans Day Program. We need to go over dress attire and serving expectations.
There will be a meeting for any high school boy interested in wrestling this year in the media center on Wednesday during Trojan Time.
One-Act Cast and Crew will have their NO SCRIPT NOVEMBER Rehearsal tomorrow from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on the stage. We will practice set up and tear down. Snacks and raffle prizes too! See you then!
One-Act Cast and Crew: Your yellow sheet for the main office and your white sheet for Mrs. Enos are due today if you want to attend Thursday's field trip. See Mrs. Enos if you have any questions.
eSports will have practice tomorrow at 3:30 pm. Also tomorrow, Overwatch 2 will face Bancroft Rosalie at 5 pm and
League of Legends will also face Bancroft Rosalie at 6 pm in the playoffs.
Anyone who would like to participate in the FCCLA Veterans Day banner is welcome to bring a photo of your family member who is a veteran or an active member of the military to Ms. Drey by Thursday. The photo can be an original which we will make a copy of or a copy to be included on the banner. Members should meet right after school Thursday to put the banner together.
There will be Quiz Bowl Welcome Breakfast on Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. in Mrs. Schafer’s room.
There will be FCCLA STAR worknights both tonight and tomorrow after school until 5.
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting tomorrow morning is the 4th grade classroom to discuss Prom theme, corner ideas and cookie tray sales for the Tannenbaum Festival at the Mohr Aud. The meeting will start promptly at 7:40 a.m. Please make sure you have discussed your corner decoration ideas with your committee before the meeting.
Friday, November 1, 2024
Congratulations to the League of Legends team on advancing to the next round of eSports Playoffs.
On Tuesday eSports practice will start at 3:30 pm that day. Overwatch 2 will face Bancroft Rosalie at 5 pm and
League of Legends will also face Bancroft Rosalie at 6 pm in the playoffs.
Any FCCLA members with in-person Texas Roadhouse Rolls orders need to turn in their money and forms today.
Anyone who would like to participate in the FCCLA Veterans Day banner is welcome to bring a photo of your family member who is a veteran or an active member of the military to Ms. Drey by next Thursday. The photo can be an original which we will make a copy of or a copy to be included on the banner.
FCCLA members should meet right after school next Thursday to put the banner together.
Quiz Bowl Welcome Breakfast will be on Wednesday at 7:30 am in my room.
There will be FCCLA STAR worknights both Monday and Tuesday after school until 5.
All 7th and 8th grade students are reminded that we will be leaving Monday morning at 7:15 for the Lifeskills Sportsmanship Pep Rally. We will meet in front of the high school office. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Fischer.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Your yellow field trip sheet is due to high school main office and your white parent permission form is due to Mrs. Enos by the end of the day Monday, if you want to be able to participate in the afternoon theater workshop and evening theater production at Midland next Thursday.
One-Act: There will be a NO SCRIPT November rehearsal from 6:30 - 8 PM on Tuesday on the stage. We will also be running through our setting up and tearing down of the set for competition. Let's keep our amazing on-time-and-punctual streak alive! Snacks provided and more raffle prizes!
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting next Tuesday morning is the 4th grade classroom to discuss Prom theme, corner ideas and cookie tray sales for the Tannenbaum Festival at the Mohr Aud. The meeting will start promptly at 7:40 a.m. Please make sure you have discussed your corner decoration ideas with your committee before the meeting.
Today is the deadline for ordering Texas Roadhouse rolls.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Good luck to the League of Legends team tonight in their first-round play against Filmore Central at 6:30 p.m.
There will be FCCLA STAR worknights both Monday and Tuesday after school until 5.
All 7th and 8th grade students are reminded that we will be leaving Monday morning at 7:15 for the Lifeskills Sportsmanship Pep Rally. We will meet in front of the high school office. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Fischer.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Your yellow field trip sheet is due to high school main office and your white parent permission form is due to Mrs. Enos by the end of the day Monday, if you want to be able to participate in the afternoon theater workshop and evening theater production at Midland next Thursday.
One-Act: There will be a NO SCRIPT November rehearsal from 6:30 - 8 PM on Tuesday on the stage. We will also be running through our setting up and tearing down of the set for competition. Let's keep our amazing on-time-and-punctual streak alive! Snacks provided and more raffle prizes!
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting next Tuesday morning is the 4th grade classroom to discuss Prom theme, corner ideas and cookie tray sales for the Tannenbaum Festival at the Mohr Aud. The meeting will start promptly at 7:40 a.m. Please make sure you have discussed your corner decoration ideas with your committee before the meeting.
The deadline for ordering Texas Roadhouse rolls tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Congratulations to the Overwatch 2 team on their first-round victory in playoffs against SEM. Their next match will take place Tuesday, Nov. 5 against Bancroft- Rosalie.
Good luck tomorrow to the League of Legends team in their first-round play against Filmore Central at 6:30 p.m.
The FCCLA door decorating contest results are in! Coming in 7th place -Stock/Fischer/Piper/ 6th Schafer/Kowalski/5th McDuffee/Dieckmann/4th Synek/Ness/3rd Ruzicka/Poessnecker/2nd Ryun/Schroetlin/1st Enos/Drey. Thank you from the chapter for participating! Breakfast will be available for the winning homeroom tomorrow morning!
Any Senior interested in meeting with the Southeast Community College rep on Wednesday, November 6th @ 11:15, please sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting next Tuesday morning is the 4th grade classroom to discuss Prom theme, corner ideas and cookie tray sales for the Tannenbaum Festival at the Mohr Aud. The meeting will start promptly at 7:40 a.m. Please make sure you have discussed your corner decoration ideas with your committee before the meeting.
The deadline for ordering Texas Roadhouse rolls is Friday, Nov. 1st.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Good luck to the Overwatch 2 team on their first-round playoff 6:30 game today against SEM.
Any Senior interested in meeting with the Southeast Community College rep on Wednesday, November 6th @ 11:15, please sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Attention Juniors: You will have a mandatory meeting next Tuesday morning is the 4th grade classroom to discuss Prom theme, corner ideas and cookie tray sales for the Tannenbaum Festival at the Mohr Aud. The meeting will start promptly at 7:40 a.m. Please make sure you have discussed your corner decoration ideas with your committee before the meeting.
Anyone interested in participating in a STAR event for FCCLA is invited to a meeting right after school. Ms. Drey is available until 5 today if you have questions or want to get started on your project.
All One-Act Cast and Crew: There will be rehearsal today from 6:30-8:00 PM on stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! This will be our last week with scripts if you are an actor. You can sign up/make an appointment to work with Mrs. Enos if you'd like help with line memorization before a rehearsal or on a non-rehearsal day. She's here to help!
The deadline for ordering Texas Roadhouse rolls is Friday, Nov. 1st.
The FCCLA Fall Party is today after school from 4-6 p.m. Please bring a pumpkin, a snack to share, and your own drink.
Any freshman, sophomore and junior that would be interested in attending the 2024 Sportsmanship and Leadership Summit in Norfolk on Nov. 21st is encouraged to come to the office to sign up. SSCS can bring a team of eight students to be challenged to work towards session objectives and learn valuable resources in the areas of both sportsmanship and leadership.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Any freshman, sophomore and junior that would be interested in attending the 2024 Sportsmanship and Leadership Summit in Norfolk on Nov. 21st is encouraged to come to the office to sign up. SSCS can bring a team of eight students to be challenged to work towards session objectives and learn valuable resources in the areas of both sportsmanship and leadership.
Good luck to the Overwatch 2 team on their first-round playoff 4:15 game tomorrow against EMF.
Anyone interested in participating in a STAR event for FCCLA is invited to a meeting right after school. Ms. Drey is available until 5 today if you have questions or want to get started on your project.
All One-Act Cast and Crew: There will be rehearsal today and tomorrow from 6:30-8:00 PM on stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! This will be our last week with scripts if you are an actor. You can sign up/make an appointment to work with Mrs. Enos if you'd like help with line memorization before a rehearsal or on a non-rehearsal day. She's here to help!
The deadline for ordering Texas Roadhouse rolls is next Friday, Nov. 1st.
There will be a FCCLA meeting tomorrow morning during TT.
The FCCLA Fall Party is tomorrow after school from 4-6 p.m. Please bring a pumpkin, a snack to share, and your own drink.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Any freshman, sophomore and junior that would be interested in attending the 2024 Sportsmanship and Leadership Summit in Norfolk on Nov. 21st is encouraged to come to the office to sign up. SSCS can bring a team of eight students to be challenged to work towards session objectives and learn valuable resources in the areas of both sportsmanship and leadership.
All One-Act Cast and Crew: There will be rehearsal both Monday and Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 PM on stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! This will be our last week with scripts if you are an actor. You can sign up/make an appointment to work with Mrs. Enos if you'd like help with line memorization before a rehearsal or on a non-rehearsal day. She's here to help!
There will be a FFA Fruit Sales Meeting Monday during Trojan Time in the Media Center.
Door decoration judging will now happen on Tuesday instead of Monday.
The deadline for ordering Texas Roadhouse rolls is next Friday, Nov. 1st.
There will be a FCCLA meeting on Tuesday morning during TT.
FCCLA Fall Party after school from 4-6 on Tuesday. Please bring a pumpkin, a snack to share, and your own drink.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Any freshman, sophomore and junior that would be interested in attending the 2024 Sportsmanship and Leadership Summit in Norfolk on Nov. 21st is encouraged to come to the office to sign up. SSCS can bring a team of eight students to be challenged to work towards session objectives and learn valuable resources in the areas of both sportsmanship and leadership.
There will be a FCCLA meeting on Tuesday morning during TT.
FCCLA is selling Texas Roadhouse rolls and butter. The cost is $10 per dozen rolls. The link to the fundraiser is on the school's website and facebook page and there are QR codes hanging up around school. The rolls will be available for pickup the evening of Nov. 14. If you have any questions, contact an FCCLA member. Thank you for your support!
For anyone who would like to show support for our girls, there are Girls' Wrestling apparel order forms located on the bulletin board outside of the high school office. T-shirts are $13, Long Sleeves are $19, Crewnecks are $23 and Hoodies are $28. Order forms are due to Mr. Ruzicka on Monday 11/11/24.
One-Act Cast & Crew: You will have rehearsal tonight at 6:30 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! See you then!
There will be Overwatch practice today from 3:30 - 5:00, and League of Legends practice from 5 - 6:30.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
There will be an FCCLA chapter meeting this Thursday morning during TT. The state president will be here, so please check into homeroom a bit early and be ready to start at 8.
FCCLA is selling Texas Roadhouse rolls and butter. The cost is $10 per dozen rolls. The link to the fundraiser is on the school's website and facebook page and there are QR codes hanging up around school. The rolls will be available for pickup the evening of Nov. 14. If you have any questions, contact an FCCLA member. Thank you for your support!
For anyone who would like to show support for our girls, there are Girls' Wrestling apparel order forms located on the bulletin board outside of the high school office. T-shirts are $13, Long Sleeves are $19, Crewnecks are $23 and Hoodies are $28. Order forms are due to Mr. Ruzicka on Monday 11/11/24.
One-Act Cast & Crew: You will have rehearsal tomorrow from 6:30 - 8 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! See you then!
Thursday, October 17, 2024
There will be an informational meeting next Wednesday for any 9-12 student who is interested in participating on the Speech Team this year during Trojan Time in Mrs. Enos's room.
Any girl interested in playing basketball this winter is encouraged to attend the open gym sessions at LV after school today, Thursday, Friday and next week Tuesday-Fri.
FCCLA and FFA members please meet in the ag room today after the 1:30 dismissal for highway cleanup on the Scribner-Herman road.
FFA Reminders: FFA Bonfire is tonight from 6-9 p.m. at Gathman's. Bring a chair and some food to share. Let Mrs. Ryun know today if you need a ride. Also, the sign up for LDE contests is in the Ag Room. Sign up to participate!
Come play games tomorrow night from 6:30-8:30 in the commons for FCCLA Family Game Night. There will be fun and snacks. Cost of admission is a free-will donation.
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance is Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. Outside date forms must be returned by the end of the day—No exceptions!
Today is the final day of the FCCLA winter gear drive.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Next week you will have rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:30 - 8 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! See you then!
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
There will be an informational meeting next Wednesday for any 9-12 student who is interested in participating on the Speech Team this year during Trojan Time in Mrs. Enos's room.
Any girl interested in playing basketball this winter is encouraged to attend the open gym sessions at LV after school today, Thursday, Friday and next week Tuesday-Fri.
FCCLA and FFA members please meet in the ag room Thursday after the 1:30 dismissal for highway cleanup on the Scribner-Herman road. This usually lasts an hour and there will be snacks after.
FFA Reminders: FFA Bonfire is on Thursday, from 6-9 at Gathman's. Bring a chair and some food to share. Let Mrs. Ryun know today if you need a ride. Also, the sign up for LDE contests is in the Ag Room. Sign up to participate!
Seniors, please turn in your Senior Contract to Mrs. Fischer by the end of the day. Seniors are reminded that they will be working the concession stand for the Esports tournament on Saturday. Please make sure that you are on time and plan accordingly.
Come play games Friday night from 6:30-8:30 in the commons for FCCLA Family Game Night. There will be fun and snacks. Cost of admission is a free-will donation.
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. Outside date forms are on the counter and must be returned by Oct. 17th—No exceptions!
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17.
One-Act Cast & Crew: Next week you will have rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:30 - 8 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and more raffle prizes! See you then!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
FCCLA and FFA members please meet in the ag room Thursday after the 1:30 dismissal for highway cleanup on the Scribner-Herman road. This usually lasts an hour and there will be snacks after.
FFA Reminders: FFA Bonfire is on Thursday, starting at 6:30pm at Gathman's. Let Mrs. Ryun know if you need a ride. Also, the sign up for LDE contests is in the Ag Room. Sign up to participate!
Seniors, please turn in your Senior Contract to Mrs. Fischer by Wednesday.
Come play games Friday night from 6:30-8:30 in the commons for FCCLA Family Game Night. There will be fun and snacks. Cost of admission is a free-will donation.
There will be ALL CAST AND CREW One-Act Rehearsal tonight from 6:30-8:00 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and raffle prizes!
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. Outside date forms are on the counter and must be returned by Oct. 17th—No exceptions!
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17.
Monday, October 14, 2024
FCCLA and FFA members please meet in the ag room after the 1:30 dismissal on Thursday for highway cleanup. This usually lasts an hour and there will be snacks after. We will be cleaning up the Herman-Scribner road.
Seniors, please turn in your Senior Contract to Mrs. Fischer. These are due Wednesday.
Come play games Friday night from 6:30-8:30 in the commons for FCCLA Family Game Night. There will be fun and snacks. Cost of admission is a free-will donation.
There will be ALL CAST AND CREW One-Act Rehearsal today and tomorrow from 6:30-8:00 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and raffle prizes!
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed and returned by Thursday. No exceptions.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17.
Friday, October 11, 2024
There will be a Student Council meeting Monday during Trojan Times in the media center. Agenda is to discuss the dance. Bring your ideas!
There will be ALL CAST AND CREW One-Act Rehearsal on Monday and Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 PM on the stage. Snacks provided and raffle prizes!
FCCLA is sponsoring a Halloween door decorating contest. The winning Trojan time door will receive homemade breakfast on Halloween morning.
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed. Date forms are available on the high school office counter.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Congratulations to the Overwatch 2 team on their victory over Lewiston. Good Luck to the League of Legends team on their matches today.
Congratulations to Colton White and Hector Garcia for being selected to compete at the EHC Festival Choir performance on Nov. 4th.
For today’s presentation, all students and staff will need to report to the gym at 1:55 for the 2 p.m. assembly.
FFA Reminder: Please bring your items for Feed the Farmer tomorrow if you haven’t already brought it.
Student Council meeting Monday during Trojan Times in the media center. Agenda is to discuss the dance. Bring your ideas!
FCCLA is sponsoring a Halloween door decorating contest. The winning Trojan time door will receive homemade breakfast on Halloween morning.
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed. Date forms are available on the high school office counter.
One-Act: We will have rehearsals for ALL Cast AND Crew today starting at 6:30 PM on stage and finishing at 8 PM. Please arrive on time and bring your fun energy! Snacks provided and there will be a raffle drawing for one lucky winner at the end of each rehearsal!
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
A reminder that Picture Retake Day for ALL Staff and Students is tomorrow. Pictures will take place in the media center beginning at approximately 8:15 a.m. with the preschoolers.
FFA Reminder: Please bring your items for Feed the Farmer tomorrow or Friday morning.
FCCLA is sponsoring a Halloween door decorating contest. The winning Trojan time door will receive homemade breakfast on Halloween morning.
The yearbook staff is ready to take your order for the 2025 yearbook. If you would like to make a yearbook purchase for only $45, please contact Mrs. Enos or Ms. Drey. You can also order online at yearbookforever.com and put in our school's name. Each of you makes the yearbook a special reminder of Small Towns, Big Dreams - Let's Grow!
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
There will be a senior class meeting in Mrs. Schafer’s room tomorrow morning during Trojan Time. Please make sure you check in with your homeroom teacher before attending this meeting.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed. Date forms are available on the high school office counter.
One-Act: We will have rehearsals for ALL Cast AND Crew tomorrow starting at 6:30 PM on stage and finishing at 8 PM. Please arrive on time and bring your fun energy! Snacks provided and there will be a raffle drawing for one lucky winner at the end of each rehearsal!
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned by the end of the day.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
A reminder that Thursday is Picture Retake Day for ALL Staff and Students. Pictures will take place in the media center beginning at approximately 8:15 a.m. with the preschoolers.
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Sophomores will need to report to the Art Room tomorrow morning for ASVAB Testing at 8:20 a.m. Please make sure your computers are fully charged.
There will be a junior class meeting tomorrow morning in Ms. Rangeloff’s room at 7:35 a.m. Please be on time and have your prom theme ideas ready to present so we can vote on a theme.
There will be a senior class meeting in Mrs. Schafer’s room Thursday morning during Trojan Time. Please make sure you check in with your homeroom teacher before attending this meeting.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed. Date forms are available on the high school office counter.
One-Act: We will have rehearsals for ALL Cast AND Crew today and Thursday starting at 6:30 PM on stage and finishing at 8 PM. Please arrive on time and bring your fun energy! Snacks provided and there will be a raffle drawing for one lucky winner at the end of each rehearsal!
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by Wednesday.
Monday, October 7, 2024
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Sophomores will need to report to the Art Room Wednesday morning for ASVAB Testing at 8:20 a.m. Please make sure your computers are fully charged.
There will be a senior class meeting in Mrs. Schafer’s room Thursday morning during Trojan Time. Please make sure you check in with your homeroom teacher before attending this meeting.
There will be a junior class meeting Wednesday morning in Ms. Rangeloff’s room at 7:35 a.m. Please be on time and have your prom theme ideas ready to present so we can vote on a theme.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday Oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed. Those will be in the office as we get closer to the date.
All One-Act Cast AND Crew members will have rehearsal Monday and Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 PM on the stage. Cast: Please bring appropriate footwear starting Monday. Crew: Mrs. Enos will have all your materials when you arrive, simply bring your fun self! Snacks provided!
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by Wednesday.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu:
Monday Lunch: Beef patty, mashed potatoes w/gravy, corn, pears
Tuesday Breakfast: Mini French Toast
Tuesday Lunch: Shepards Pie, peas, bread, mixed fruit
Wednesday Breakfast: Combo Bar
Wednesday Lunch: Nachos, Spanish rice, refried beans, pineapple
Thursday Breakfast: Pop Tarts
Thursday Lunch: BBQ Pork sandwich, chips, baked beans, apricots
Friday Breakfast: Cereal/toast
Friday Lunch: Fiestada Pizza, bread sticks, lettuce, mandarin oranges
CAFETERIA MENU –All meals are served with milk
Friday, October 4, 2024
Band students will need to be dismissed today at 2:20 p.m. for the parade. All other students will need to be released at 2:25 and meet in front of the band room for the 2:30 p.m. parade down Main Street. ALL students need to return to the school following the parade.
Students: You are reminded that when the 8 a.m. bell rings, there is to be NO food or drinks besides water at your table/desk. Students should not be walking around with coffee/energy drinks.
There is a paper on the bulletin board outside of the office for people to suggest songs for our Homecoming Dance. Please make sure that they are school appropriate.
Our 9-12 Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday oct 19th in the gym. Pictures will start at 7. Dance will be from 7:30-10. There is no charge. If you are bringing an outside date, you will need to fill out a form and have it signed. Those will be in the office as we get closer to the date.
All One-Act Cast AND Crew members will have rehearsal Monday and Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 PM on the stage. Cast: Please bring appropriate footwear starting Monday. Crew: Mrs. Enos will have all your materials when you arrive, simply bring your fun self! Snacks provided!
FFA Feed the Farmer will be held next Friday. Members, please sign up in the Ag Room to bring items to show our appreciation for all of the long hours the farmers are putting in this harvest season.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Northeast Community College Rep or Wayne State College Rep needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Today is the last day for FCCLA members to sign up to attend Fall Leadership Workshop in Wayne on Oct 14. Cost is $15.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by Wednesday.
EVENTS: HOMECOMING WEEK---FB host Ft. Calhoun, 7 p.m.-Homecoming; Homecoming Parade, 2:30 p.m.-Main Street; JAG visit Brehmer Mfg
Saturday: JV VB Tournament @ Syracuse, 8:30 a.m.; LV Homecoming Dance, 8-11 p.m.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu:
Friday Lunch: Quesadilla, refried beans, corn, mixed fruit
Monday Breakfast: Cherry Frudel
Monday Lunch: Beef patty, mashed potatoes w/gravy, corn, pears
Tuesday Breakfast: Mini French Toast
Tuesday Lunch: Shepards Pie, peas, bread, mixed fruit
CAFETERIA MENU –All meals are served with milk
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Softball players will need to be dismissed today at 3:15 p.m.
Band students will need to be dismissed TOMORROW at 2:20 p.m. to get their instruments ready for the parade. All other students will need to be released at 2:25 and meet in front of the band room for the 2:30 p.m. parade down Main Street. ALL students need to return to the school following the parade.
All One-Act Cast AND Crew members will have rehearsal Monday and Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 PM on the stage. Cast: Please bring appropriate footwear starting Monday. Crew: Mrs. Enos will have all your materials when you arrive, simply bring your fun self! Snacks provided!
eSports LOL players your match against Winnebago has been rescheduled to next Thursday at 5:15.
FFA Feed the Farmer will be held next Friday. Members, please sign up in the Ag Room to bring items to show our appreciation for all of the long hours the farmers are putting in this harvest season.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Northeast Community College Rep or Wayne State College Rep needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Today is the last day to purchase a Logan View Homecoming Dance ticket.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA members who want to attend Fall Leadership Workshop need to bring their $15 by tomorrow.
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by next Wednesday, Oct. 9th.
Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4-today-Dynamic Duo; Friday: Trojan Pride
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
FFA Feed the Farmer will be held next Friday. Members, please sign up in the Ag Room to bring items to show our appreciation for all of the long hours the farmers are putting in this harvest season.
Congratulations to the Overwatch 2 team on their win over Elgin.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Northeast Community College Rep on Monday, October 14th @ 2:00, needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Wayne State college rep on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:30, needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Tomorrow is the last day to purchase a Logan View Homecoming Dance ticket. They are available in the high school office. Cost is $10.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA members who want to attend Fall Leadership Workshop need to bring their $15 by Friday to ensure your spot for the day.
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by next Wednesday, Oct. 9th.
Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4-today-Neon Day; Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing); Friday: Trojan Pride. Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
FFA Feed the Farmer will be held next Friday. Members, please sign up in the Ag Room to bring items to show our appreciation for all of the long hours the farmers are putting in this harvest season.
Attention students: At some point this week, Mrs. Nemecek will be conducting a door card search. If you don't have your door card, you will immediately receive a detention.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Northeast Community College Rep on Monday, October 14th @ 2:00, needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Wayne State college rep on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:30, needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
We have received tickets for the Logan View Homecoming Dance on Oct. 5th from 8-11 p.m. They are available in the high school office. Cost is $10.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive from today until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA members who want to attend Fall Leadership Workshop need to bring their $15 by Friday to ensure your spot for the day.
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by next Wednesday, Oct. 9th.
Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4-today-Decade Day-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age; Wednesday: Neon Day; Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing); Friday: Trojan Pride. Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Monday, Sept. 30, 2024
Homecoming Court needs to have a quick meeting in the media center during Trojan Time tomorrow morning. Make sure you check in with your homeroom teacher first.
Attention students: At some point this week, Mrs. Nemecek will be conducting a door card search. If you don't have your door card, you will immediately receive a detention.
Reminder, ALL 6,7,8, junior and senior JAG students are invited to attend to listen to our High School Career Association election speeches tomorrow during Trojan Time and vote for our leadership. You just have to be a JAG student to attend and vote. JAG students, please make sur eyou rvoice is heard by attending and voting for our JAG Career Association's High School President, Vice President and Secretary!
Any Senior interested in talking to the Northeast Community College Rep on Monday, October 14th @ 2:00, needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
Any Senior interested in talking to the Wayne State college rep on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:30, needs to sign up outside of Mrs. Fischer's office.
We have received tickets for the Logan View Homecoming Dance on Oct. 5th from 8-11 p.m. They are available in the high school office. Cost is $10.
FCCLA is hosting a winter gear drive from today until Oct. 17. Please see the flyers around the school for what the chapter is accepting and more information about the drive. Collection spots are in the elementary commons and the high school entryway. Please help us fill up the Halloween bags with donations!
FCCLA members who want to attend Fall Leadership Workshop need to bring their $15 by Friday to ensure your spot for the day.
FCCLA dues of $30 need to be turned in by next Wednesday, Oct. 9th.
Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4-today-USA Day; Tomorrow is Decade Day-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day; Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride. Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Thursday, September 26, 2024
A Post Office key has been turned into the office. Please come to the office if you are missing your key.
We have received tickets for the Logan View Homecoming Dance on Oct. 5th from 8-11 p.m. They are available in the high school office. Cost is $10.
There will be a One-Act CAST ONLY Practice on stage this Monday, 9/30 at 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Snacks provided!
The following One-Act members have signed up to work concessions: 4 PM Shift = Eli, Jillian, Aydia, and Kloey
6 PM Shift = Kloey, Hector, Eli, Gillian. Thank you for your help! We could use one more volunteer on each shift if you're available. Let Mrs. Enos know before 3:30 PM if you're interested.
These are the Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Your 2024 Homecoming Court is: Ivan Collazo, Chase Frazier, Zoey Gathman, Emily Hull, Nattlie Hull, Gillian Hunke. Congratulations! Please come see Mrs. Schroetlin at your earliest convenience.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
We have received tickets for the Logan View Homecoming Dance on Oct. 5th from 8-11 p.m. They are available in the high school office. Cost is $10.
SSCS One-Act Cast and Crew. Mrs. Enos needs one more volunteer for the Thursday SB Concession Stand 4 PM shift and two more workers for the 6 PM shift if you can help. Money proceeds pay for our field trip in November and other One-Act expenses. Sign-up in Mrs. Enos's room. Your help is greatly appreciated!
FCCLA members will have a chapter meeting tomorrow morning during TT. Any sucker money that hasn't been turned in, needs to be by then.
These are the Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
FFA Dairy Judgers: Yellow sheets are due today. Meet at 7:45 am tomorrow morning. Make sure you dress in layers and have a writing utensil.
Seniors, you are reminded that you will be holding a cake raffle at the softball triangular Thursday. Please plan on having your cakes here at school on Thursday morning.
We have received tickets for the Logan View Homecoming Dance on Oct. 5th from 8-11 p.m. They are available in the high school office. Cost is $10.
One-Act Cast and Crew. Please sign up for a shift to help with Thursday night's Softball Concession Stand at Scribner Field. Let's support and cheer on our fellow classmates and cast and crew members! The sign-up sheet is posted in Mrs. Enos's room.
There will be a One-Act Rehearsal for CAST ONLY tonight on stage from 6:30-8:00 PM. Snacks provided!
FCCLA members will have a chapter meeting Thursday morning during TT. Any sucker money that hasn't been turned in, needs to be by then.
These are the Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Monday, September 23, 2024
Seniors, you are reminded that you will be holding a cake raffle at the softball triangular Thursday. Please plan on having your cakes here at school on Thursday morning.
One-Act Cast and Crew. Please sign up for a shift to help with Thursday night's Softball Concession Stand at Scribner Field. Let's support and cheer on our fellow classmates and cast and crew members! The sign-up sheet is posted in Mrs. Enos's room.
There will be a One-Act Rehearsal for CAST ONLY this Tuesday on stage from 6:30-8:00 PM. Snacks provided!
FCCLA members will have a chapter meeting Thursday morning during TT. Any sucker money that hasn't been turned in, needs to be by then.
eSports members you are reminded that we have concessions tonight during the C Team Volleyball game. Colton, Hector, Garrett, and April have signed up.
Scholastic Book Fair opens today.
These are the Homecoming Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
EVENTS: C Team VB Tri @ SS, 6 p.m.-Workers-Brenda, Jayden, Sam, Grace, Blake-Concessions-eSports; Scholastic Book Fair opens (Sept. 23-26); SB @ Syracuse, 5 p.m.; JV FB host WP-B. 5:30 p.m.; Blood Drive @ Mohr Auditorium
Tuesday: V VB host WPB & Humphrey/LHF, 5 p.m.; JH VB host O-C, 4 p.m.; One-Act rehearsal-Cast, 6:30 p.m.; eSports practice, 3:30 p.m.; eSports vs B-R, 6:30 p.m.; MTSS meeting-P8
Wednesday: P/T Conferences-1:30 p.m. dismissal; FFA Dist. Dairy Judging @ Wayne; eSport practice, 1:30 p.m.
Thursday: SB Tri @ SS, 4:30 p.m.-Booster Club Night---Workers—Michelle, KateLynn, Leah, Myron, Concessions-One-Act; VB tri @ Arlington, 5 p.m.; eSports practice, 3:30 p.m.; 6th Grade Field Trip; JAG tour-Werner Enterprises-Leave 7:30 a.m.; eSports vs Bridgeport, 5 p.m.; FFA training @ Wayne
Friday: NO SCHOOL; FB @ Concordia, 7 p.m.
Saturday: Capitol Conference SB Tournament @ Syracuse, 9 a.m.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu:
Monday Lunch: Meat Loaf, mashed potatoes, California Veggies, peaches
Tuesday Breakfast: Apple Frudel
Tuesday Lunch: Mac & Cheese, green beans, dinner roll, apricots
Wednesday Breakfast: Breakfast sandwich
Wednesday Lunch: Corn Dog, chips, corn, mixed fruit
Thursday Breakfast: Cereal/toast
Thursday Lunch: Chickens sandwich, chips, baked beans, pears
CAFETERIA MENU –All meals are served with milk
Friday, September 20, 2024
There will be an informational meeting for ALL 7-12 grade ONE-ACT students on Monday during Trojan Time in Mrs. Enos's room. We have some fun and exciting opportunities coming up this season to share with you! Please attend for this important and intriguing information!
Seniors, you are reminded that next Thursday, Sept. 26 you will be holding a cake raffle at the softball triangular. Please plan on having your cakes here at school on Thursday morning.
FCCLA members will have a chapter meeting next Thursday morning during TT. Any sucker money that hasn't been turned in, needs to be by then.
ESports members you are reminded that we have concessions Monday Night during the C Team Volleyball game. Colton, Hector, Garrett, and April have signed up.
These are the dress up days for Homecoming week Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Thursday, September 19, 2024
There will be an informational meeting for ALL 7-12 grade ONE-ACT students on Monday during Trojan Time in Mrs. Enos's room. We have some fun and exciting opportunities coming up this season to share with you! Please attend for this important and intriguing information!
These are the dress up days for Homecoming week Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
There will be an FFA Meeting tomorrow morning during Trojan Time in the Media Center.
FCCLA members are selling Ozark Delight Lollipops for $1. Please see a member if you would like to make a purchase. New flavors this year include Dr. Cherry, Sour Pink Lemonade, and Chili Mango.
These are the dress up days for Homecoming week Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Please excuse the following softball players- Marah, Rachel, Jaz, and Alexis at 3:15 today. They will also need to be dismissed Thursday at 1:05 p.m.
There will be an FFA Meeting Thursday during Trojan Time in the Media Center.
FCCLA members are selling Ozark Delight Lollipops for $1. Please see a member if you would like to make a purchase. New flavors this year include Dr. Cherry, Sour Pink Lemonade, and Chili Mango.
These are the dress up days for Homecoming week Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Friday, September 13, 2024
FCCLA chapter officer meeting will be held Monday after school.
Yearbook Students: Your yellow checkout sheets are due in the office by the end of the day-3:30 PM for Monday's workshop. We load the school van and leave Monday morning in the high school parking lot at 7:30 AM. The day's supplies will be provided for you at the workshop; appropriate dress = no pajama pants or short shorts, and a shirt with sleeves. See Ms. Drey or Mrs. Enos with any questions or concerns prior to the weekend.
There will be a One-Act CAST ONLY practice on Monday, September 16th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on stage in the gym. Snacks provided!
FCCLA members are selling Ozark Delight Lollipops for $1. Please see a member if you would like to make a purchase. New flavors this year include Dr. Cherry, Sour Pink Lemonade, and Chili Mango.
These are the dress up days for Homecoming week Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Reminder: Seniors who received a Believer and Achiever application. These are due Sept. 15th!! These need to be submitted by the office to the NSAA online so the application and essay will need to be submitted to Shelly by the 13th.
FCCLA members, please check your CANVAS inbox for a message about chapter t-shirts/sweatshirts. Respond with your vote by Monday.
FCCLA chapter officer meeting will be held Monday after school.
FFA Reminder: we have concessions for the softball game tonight. Check in the ag room for available time slots.
Yearbook Students: Your yellow checkout sheets are due in the office by the end of the day tomorrow, 3:30 PM for Monday's workshop. We load the school van and leave Monday morning in the high school parking lot at 7:30 AM. The day's supplies will be provided for you at the workshop; appropriate dress = no pajama pants or short shorts, and a shirt with sleeves without your midriff showing. See Ms. Drey or Mrs. Enos with any questions or concerns prior to the weekend.
There will be a One-Act CAST ONLY practice on Monday, September 16th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on stage in the gym. Snacks provided!
FCCLA members are selling Ozark Delight Lollipops for $1. Please see a member if you would like to make a purchase. New flavors this year include Dr. Cherry, Sour Pink Lemonade, and Chili Mango.
These are the dress up days for Homecoming week.
Spirit Week Dress Up Days for the Week of Sept 30-Oct 4
Monday: USA Day (dress in red/white/blue)
Tuesday: Dress as the Decades-junior high- 2000s; freshmen- 50s; sophomores- 90s; juniors- 80s; seniors- 70s; staff- Stone Age
Wednesday: Neon Day
Thursday: Dynamic Duo (find a partner and dress as a famous couple or pairing)
Friday: Trojan Pride
Reminder that this is a fun and easy way to earn some Trojan Tickets by participating in the festivities!
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
There will be a Student Council Meeting Thursday during TT after lunch count in the media center.
Reminder: Seniors who received a Believer and Achiever application. These are due Sept. 15th!! These need to be submitted by the office to the NSAA online so the application and essay will need to be submitted to Shelly by the 13th.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
There will be a Student Council Meeting Thursday during TT after lunch count in the media center.
Husker Harvest Days attendees: All of your forms and food items are due today! We will be leaving tomorrow morning at 7 am. Plan to bring a water bottle. Wear walking shoes and FFA gear.
Monday, September 9, 2024
Launch! Program Meeting - tomorrow during home room in the Media Center.
Student Council Meeting Thursday during TT after lunch count in the media center.
Husker Harvest Days attendees: all of your forms and food items are due tomorrow! We will be leaving Wednesday morning at 7 am. Plan to bring a water bottle. Wear walking shoes and FFA gear.
One-Act Cast: We will have our first CAST ONLY rehearsal tonight on stage in the gym at 6:30 p.m. Snacks and script binders will be provided!
Juniors: You will have your first class meeting tomorrow morning instead of Wednesday due to Husker Harvest Days at 7:35 a.m. in Mrs. Rangeloff’s room. Please be on time and bring your prom theme ideas.
Friday, September 6, 2024
A special happy birthday wish was requested to be announced today. Happy Birthday Kyrian.
For the Robotics Class, you will need to be at school and ready to leave by 8:45 a.m. Saturday morning. We will be back by 3:00 p.m. so please let your parents know.
High school football players need to be dismissed at 2:50 so we can be in LV by 3:30 departure time.
FFA Reminders: Yellow sheets, medical release forms, dues, and non-perishable food items are due by Tuesday in order to attend Husker Harvest Days on Wednesday. Also, please sign up in the Ag Room to help with concessions next Thursday at the softball game.
One-Act Cast: We will have our first CAST ONLY rehearsal on Monday on stage in the gym. We start promptly at 6:30 PM and so we can dismiss on time at 8 PM. Snacks and script binders will be provided! Get ready for a fun workout!
Juniors: You will have your first class meeting on Sept. 11th at 7:35 a.m. in Mrs. Rangeloff’s room. Please be on time and bring your prom theme ideas.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
FFA Reminders: Yellow sheets, medical release forms, dues, and non-perishable food items are due by Tuesday in order to attend Husker Harvest Days on Wednesday. Also, please sign up in the Ag Room to help with concessions next Thursday at the softball game.
Several students have been given a letter to take home to their parents pertaining to social security cards/immunizations, etc. Please make sure these letters make it home and you return the item requested.
Softball players will need to be dismissed today at 3:15 p.m.
One-Act Cast: We will have our first CAST ONLY rehearsal on Monday on stage in the gym. We start promptly at 6:30 PM and so we can dismiss on time at 8 PM. Snacks and script binders will be provided! Get ready for a fun workout!
There will be a senior class meeting tomorrow morning in Mrs. Schafer's Room during TT.
Juniors: You will have your first class meeting on Sept. 11th at 7:35 a.m. in Mrs. Rangeloff’s room. Please be on time and bring your prom theme ideas.
Down & Failing Slips will start on Sept. 9th.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Attention students who ride the bus after school: Starting today, the bus will now be leaving campus at 3:35 instead of 3:45 so please make sure you get over to the bus right away after school to avoid missing the bus back to Snyder. Please make sure you notify your parents for the time change.
One-Act Cast: We will have our first CAST ONLY rehearsal on Monday, September 9th on stage in the gym. We start promptly at 6:30 PM and so we can dismiss on time at 8 PM. Snacks and script binders will be provided! Get ready for a fun workout!
There will be a senior class meeting tomorrow morning in Mrs. Schafer's Room during TT.
Juniors are reminded to keep selling for the fundraiser. The event ends Monday. Please remember to turn in your check/cash sales to the office.
Down & Failing Slips will start on Sept. 9th.
Friday, August 30, 2024
Attention students who ride the bus after school: Starting Wednesday, the bus will now be leaving campus at 3:35 instead of 3:45 so please make sure you get over to the bus right away after school to avoid missing the bus back to Snyder. Please make sure you notify your parents for the time change.
FFA Reminders: Dues, medical release forms, yellow sheets, and non-perishable food items are due before attending Husker Harvest Days.
There will be a senior class meeting Thursday, Sept. 5 in Mrs. Schafer's Room during TT.
There was a girl’s ring that has been turned into the office. If you are missing a ring, please come to the office and describe it to claim it.
There also has been a key turned into the office that was found in the parking lot. Again, if you lost a key, come to the office to see if it is yours.
Juniors: You are remined to keep working on your fund-raiser sales and take the packets home with you to share with your parents/grandparents, relatives this Labor Day weekend. Remember to turn in your cash/checks to the office.
Reminder: There will not be school on Monday, Labor Day and Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Enjoy your mini break!
Down & Failing Slips will start on Sept. 9th.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
FFA Reminders: Dues, medical release forms, yellow sheets, and non-perishable food items are due before attending Husker Harvest Days.
Thursday please excuse SB players from class at 1:45. We leave at 2:00 pm.
Juniors: You are remined to keep working on your fund-raiser sales and take the packets home with you to share with your parents/grandparents, relatives this Labor Day weekend. Remember to turn in your cash/checks to the office.
Reminder: There will not be school on Monday, Labor Day and Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Enjoy your mini break!
Down & Failing Slips will start on Sept. 9th.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
FCCLA members: Please bring your t-shirt design ideas to the meeting tomorrow morning during TT.
Picture Day is tomorrow morning. We will start with the elementary around 8:15ish and work our way up to the seniors.
Reminder: There will not be school on Monday, Labor Day and Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Enjoy your mini break!
Down & Failing Slips will start on Sept. 9th.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
FFA Reminders: Finalized shirt orders are due TODAY! Please get your dues to Mrs. Ryun. Sign up in the Ag Room if you are planning to attend the upcoming events.
FCCLA members with t-shirt design ideas please bring those to the meeting on Thursday morning during TT. A message has been sent to you on canvas with more info.
Picture Day is Thursday morning. Make sure your parents have received your picture packet that was given to you. These packets will need to be given to the photographer Thursday morning.
Monday, August 26, 2024
FFA Reminders: Finalized shirt orders are due by tomorrow. Please get your dues to Mrs. Ryun. Sign up in the Ag Room if you are planning to attend the upcoming events.
FCCLA members with t-shirt design ideas please bring those to the meeting on Thursday morning during TT. A message has been sent to you on canvas with more info.
2024 One Act Cast and Crew: The Pizza Party and Table Read -through is Tonight in Mrs. Enos's room! The meal will be served from 6:30 - 7:00 PM and the Table Read-Through and Key Info for the season will take place from 7:00 to no later than 8:00 PM. It's going to be a fun season!
Picture Day is Thursday morning. Make sure your parents have received your picture packet that was given to you. These packets will need to be given to the photographer Thursday morning.
Friday, August 23, 2024
FFA Reminders: Finalized shirt orders are due by Tuesday. Please get your dues to Mrs. Ryun . Sign up in the Ag Room if you are planning to attend the upcoming events.
FCCLA members are reminded that you will have a meeting next Thursday morning during TT in the Media Center.
Picture Day is next Thursday morning. Make sure your parents have received your picture packet that was given to you. If you lost yours or don’t have one, come to the office immediately to get a new one.
Congratulations to Nattlie, Emily, Gillian, Azaria, Marah, Kloey, and Aydia who auditioned and earned a part in this year's comedic One-Act. Your first read through is Monday in Mrs. Enos's Room. The pizza party begins at 6:30 PM and the read through goes from 7:00 - 7:45 PM. See you then!
Congratulations to this year's One-Act Crew: Jillian C, Gillian H., Kyrian, Paige R. Alexis, Eli, Shakiera, Savanna, Hector, Jonathan, Brooklyn, Melody, and Eva. Mrs. Enos appreciates your enthusiasm to participate and serve backstage for this year's show!
ALL One-Act Cast and Crew, stop by your locker doors before the weekend to take home your invite for Monday's Pizza Party and Table Read Through. Important information about the season will also be shared, so please see Mrs. Enos today or Monday if you cannot attend. It's going to be a great season of theater!
Looking for a part-time job here in Scribner, look no more. Elkhorn River Coffee Co is wanting your talents. Be a barista and have fun while earning money. Contact Lisa at 360-219-7976 or email your job history to elkhornrivercoffeeco@gmail.com Complete details can be found on the flyer posted outside the office.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
The following softball players will need to be excused from class at 2:15 p.m. today and will leave Scribner at 2:30 for the game today in North Bend: Rachel, Marah, Jazlyn and Alexis
If you are interested in order football or softball apparel for the Fall Season, please notify Mrs. Kafonek and she will get you an order form. There are a few football order forms on the bulletin board outside the office.
Congratulations to the following students who auditioned and earned a part in this year's comedic One-Act: Nattlie, Emily, Gillian, Azaria, Marah, Kloey, and Aydia! Your first read through will be Monday, August 26th in Mrs. Enos's Room. The pizza party begins at 6:30 PM and the read through goes from 7:00 - 7:45 PM. See you then!
Any 7th-12th grade students interested in being on the One Act Crew need to turn in their commitment forms to Mrs. Enos by 3:30 PM today! One-Act Crew also invited to attend the pizza party and read through on Monday, but your paperwork needs to be turned in on time to be a part of this activity. Let Mrs. Enos know if you have any questions.
Looking for a part-time job here in Scribner, look no more. Elkhorn River Coffee Co is wanting your talents. Be a barista and have fun while earning money. Contact Lisa at 360-219-7976 or email your job history to elkhornrivercoffeeco@gmail.com. Complete details can be found on the flyer posted outside the office.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
If you are interested in order football or softball apparel for the Fall Season, please notify Mrs. Kafonek and she will get you an order form. There are a few football order forms on the bulletin board outside the office.
There is a FFA Meeting Thursday morning during Trojan Time in the Media Center.
Juniors: You are reminded that will have our fund-raising meeting tomorrow morning with Steve Foster. Please make sure you have created an account on the link that was sent to your email.
7-12 students: Commitment forms for One Act Crew need to be turned in to Mrs. Enos the end of the day tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
If you are interested in order football or softball apparel for the Fall Season, please notify Mrs. Kafonek and she will get you an order form. There are a few football order forms on the bulletin board outside the office.
FFA Meeting - Thursday, during Trojan Time - in the Media Center.
Juniors: You will have a fund-raising meeting Thursday morning with Steve Foster. Please make sure you have created an account. If you didn’t get an email from Shelly this morning, please let me know.
If you haven’t received a Picture Day packet order form, please come to the office.
Tonight the FCCLA/FFA KickOff will take place from 6-8 pm outside of the shop. Hot dogs and games will be provided. Any and all students interested in either organization are welcome. Please bring a dessert or side dish to share. Come and go as it fits into your schedule.
ESports members be sure to sign up for the game you would like to play this fall. Our first meeting/practice is today at 4 p.m.
9-12 students wanting to be on the Cast for this year's One-Act can try out after school and in the early evening. Sign up for an audition window in Mrs. Enos's classroom.
7-12 students wanting to sign-up for One Act Crew need to turn in your commitment forms by Thursday at 3:30 PM to Mrs. Enos
Monday, August 19, 2024
Tomorrow the FCCLA/FFA KickOff will take place from 6-8 pm outside of the shop. Hot dogs and games will be provided. Any and all students interested in either organization are welcome. Please bring a dessert or side dish to share. Come and go as it fits into your schedule.
ESports members be sure to sign up for the game you would like to play this fall.
Tomorrow at 4:00 we will have our first meeting/practice.
9-12 students wanting to be on the Cast for this year's One-Act can try out this Monday and Tuesday before school, after school, and in the early evening. Sign up for an audition window in Mrs. Enos's classroom.
7-12 students wanting to sign-up for One Act Crew need to turn in your commitment forms by Thursday at 3:30 PM to Mrs. Enos
Friday, August 16, 2024
All 9-12 grade students interested in auditioning for this year's hilariously funny One-Act this season can sign-up in Mrs. Enos's classroom for before school, afterschool, or early evening time slots and also pick up a script and commitment form. Auditions will take place Monday, August 19th and Tuesday, August 20th with the casting results posted next Friday, August 23rd in Mrs. Enos's room. You can read the script over the weekend and come prepared with your filled out commitment form to turn in at the time of your audition. Good luck and Break a Leg!
All 7th-12th grade students who'd like to be a part of the One-Act Crew can pick up a crew commitment form in Mrs. Enos's and return your role preferences to Mrs. Enos by Friday, August 23rd. You can be a part of lights, sound, set & props, costumes, hair & make-up and play a key role in the behind-the-scenes of our fun 1980's neon-colored comedic show!
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Welcome back and welcome to our returning and new students.
All 9-12 grade students interested in auditioning for this year's hilariously funny One-Act this season can sign-up in Mrs. Enos's classroom for before school, afterschool, or early evening time slots and also pick up a script and commitment form. Auditions will take place Monday, August 19th and Tuesday, August 20th with the casting results posted next Friday, August 23rd in Mrs. Enos's room. You can read the script over the weekend and come prepared with your filled out commitment form to turn in at the time of your audition. Good luck and Break a Leg!
All 7th-12th grade students who'd like to be a part of the One-Act Crew can pick up a crew commitment form in Mrs. Enos's and return your role preferences to Mrs. Enos by Friday, August 23rd. You can be a part of lights, sound, set & props, costumes, hair & make-up and play a key role in the behind-the-scenes of our fun 1980's neon-colored comedic show!