Special March 2020 Minutes
Unofficial M I N U T E S
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020
7:00 P.M.
Board Members Present: Mike Fischer, Laura Schnoor, Malia Nemecek, Don Beck, Cory Schlueter, Andrea Vacha
Board Members Absent:
Others Present: Superintendent Ginger Meyer, Principal Brad Stithem, Recording Secretary Sharon Meyer
President Laura Schnoor called the special meeting of School Board #62 to order on Monday, March 23, at 7:00 p.m. A call of the roll showed all members present.
Open Meetings Act:
The board meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
New Business:
Fischer made a motion to approve the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Resolution as read (attachment 1). Nemecek seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Nemeck made a motion to close Scribner-Snyder Community School for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Schlueter seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
First reading of policy 413.06 Emergency Support Staff Compensation.
Discussion regarding possible reorganization of the Scribner-Snyder Community School District was tabled to a later date.
Executive Session:
There being no further discussion, Nemecek moved for adjournment at 7:19 p.m., Vacha seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Meyer
Recording Secretary